Another Day with Motley Crew - T023 Killer Whales in Tofino!
/Another day with the whole family! First we got word that T023 and the T023D’s were back in the Bedwell this morning, right where we left them last night. John and I headed out in Lil’ Salty at 9:45 to the back side of Meares Island. When we arrived on scene the gang of Transient Killer Whales had just made a kill and were on the move heading out towards Rant Point.
Then at 10:40 we head on the radio that another gang had been picked up near Vargas Island by another whale watching company. We headed back over to Roberts Point to see who they were. In the back of my mind I thought it might be the T023C’s but we had left them heading down the coast a few days ago after they had spent a few days in this same location. Well it sure was the T023C’s!
What is interesting is the T023C’s have broken off from their mother but we have observed both groups traveling within a few km of each other in the same route twice in a week. We have not seen T023 and T023D’s interact with the T023C’s even through they have been seen within 1 km of each other.
They are liking the hunting up behind Meares Island! Lots of Sea Lions, Seals and Harbour Porpoises!
I am just getting word that Killer Whales have been sighted this morning!
T023D with Calf
T023C’s new calf