A Visit From the T068C's
/Late in the afternoon on March 31’st, I got a text message from Scott Rae-Arthur letting me know that there were Killer Whales playing in Browning Passage in front of his house. We put a call out to the fleet to let everyone know that Transient Killer Whales were making their way into the Tofino Harbour. This is always exciting! Mark had a tour on the Goolka so they were able to find the T068C’s in the harbour. This gang of five whales swam through the harbour out past Lennard Island.
We have only photographed these whales a few times. Two of the whales have very distinctive dorsal fins and they have a new calf, T068C5 who was born in 2020. The calf was bouncing with energy as the family made their way out off Lennard Light House. Everyone was so excited to see Bigg’s Killer Whales in the Tofino Harbour!
T068C1, Photo from Tofino, B.C.