The T007B's and T010's in Tofino!
/Yesterday two Bigg’s Killer Whale gangs were picked up by a fisherman off Gowland Rocks. We went out in the Lil’Salty to see who they were. We caught up to the Killer Whales at Wilf Rock. John and I observed the Bigg’s Killer Whales T007B’s and T010’s hunting for seals and traveling up the coast together.
T010 (aka Langara) is the oldest living female Bigg’s Killer Whale in our study population. She is thought to be around 56 years old. We saw her yesterday with her son T010C (born 1999). Some interesting facts about this gang: Langara has had three offspring and they were all males. Langara’s gang were annual visitors to Clayoquot Sound from 1991 - 2002 and now we only see them every few years.
T007B has 3 offspring. She had T00B3 an male and T007B4 and T007B6. We do not see this gang often. We observed them eating seals, tail slapping and traveling up the coast in the rain.
Bigg’s Killer Whale T010C, Tofino (photo: Jennifer Steven)
Bigg’s Killer Whale T010, Tofino (photo: Jennifer Steven)
Bigg’s Killer Whale T007B3, Tofino (photo: Jennifer Steven)